Love Reveals the Mystery of Human Life
love, personalist norm, person, personalityAbstract
The article explores the idea of personal integration as a continuous, dynamic process of positive disintegration and secondary integration, which involves the harmonious and holistic development of the physical, psychological, spiritual, and communal aspects of human nature. The role of love as the highest value activating experiences in the inner world is emphasised. The authors argue that loving oneself at the level of an integrated personality allows for the revision of the world of needs, which reaches its highest validity in the recognition of the right to freedom and truth. Acceptance and affirmation of others are behaviours that stem from love, which is seen as the material and spiritual dynamism of human beings. Achieving the adequate level of spiritual experiences necessary for the emergence of love as the substance shaping the ontic state of betrothal requires prioritising the other person as a personalistic norm and experiencing full responsibility for their life.
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