The Truth of the Person – Three Dimensions. Reinterpretation of Classical Formula of Truth
truth, person, transcendence, subject, witnessAbstract
The topic is considered in reference to John Paul II’s theory of the person. The primary problem is the relationship between two concepts: ‘personal dimension of truth’ and ‘classical formula of truth.’ The former points to the subjective aspect of cognition (cognition takes place in a person) and is not incompatible with the transcendence and objectivity of cognition results. The interiorization of the truth means a person’s commitment to be faithful to the truth and to one’s own cognition. The foundation of this commitment is selflessness of the cognition. The person’s truth has three dimensions: (1) cognitive: intellect confirms the truth of reality; (2) internal: a person internalizes the truth and recognizes it as its own; and (3) moral: the truth becomes the rationale for action and a factor in a person’s improvement. The confirmation of the truth by the mind and actions is a person’s most characteristic and unique act. To be oneself means to constantly transcend and improve oneself. The full measure of the personal truth lies in God, the Source of its existence and all gifts that determine the meaning and purpose of a person’s life. Who lives the truth and is willing to serve it, becomes its witness.
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