Transformations of the Local School Network as a Consequence of Changes in the Educational System – the Example of the City of Poznan
DOI:łowa kluczowe
reform of the education system, spatial accessibility of schools, local education policy, city of PoznanAbstrakt
The aim of the article is to characterize the transformation of the local school network for children and youth in Poznan, taking place from September 2017 as a result of changes in the education system. The subject of the research are primary and secondary self-government schools in Poznan. In order to determine the spatial accessibility to schools, simplified measures of the school network density indicator were applied: the number of schools per 10 km2 of the Poznan city area and the number of pupils per 1 school. As a result of the education reform, no primary school in Poznan has been closed. In the case of lower secondary schools, public authorities have adopted the principle of incorporating or transforming these schools into other types of schools, thus giving up the possibility of their liquidation. One of the consequences of changes in education cycles will, among other things, double the number of candidates for upper secondary schools in the school year 2019/2020, who will be both graduates of the eight-year primary school and lower secondary schools (the so-called “double class”).
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