Fostering Entrepreneurial Intentions in a Non-Skills-Focused Education System
non-skills-focused education system, young students, entrepreneurial intentions, skills; education policyAbstract
This article aims to identify the factors that influence the entrepreneurial intentions of young students when the formal education system does not focus on skills. The authors conducted research based on the theory of Planned Behaviour and the concept of entrepreneurial intentions. The research was carried out in three different schools: an urban public school, a rural public school, and an urban private school. The authors studied entrepreneurial intentions among students in the oldest grades from selected schools. The sample selection was purposive, and all students from these schools participated in the study. The authors used statistical analysis, including a log-linear model, to identify significant predictors of entrepreneurial intentions. The study showed that personal characteristics and family support are critical factors in shaping entrepreneurial attitudes among students from different types of schools. The authors suggest that addressing the mismatch between the education system and the needs of students and the labor market requires institutional and curricular changes and a reorientation of educational policy. Otherwise, personality traits and the support of significant others, such as family and friends, will continue to determine students’ development and future careers.
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