The Conformist Attitudes Scale (SPK-II). Latent Structure Analysis Using the Bi-Factor Model
conformity, adolescence, psychometric properties, latent structure, bi-factor modelAbstract
The aim of this article is to present the evaluation of psychometric properties of an original tool for measuring the propensity to adopt conformist attitudes in adolescents - the Conformist Attitudes Scale (SPK-II). The objective was achieved based on the results of exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analysis using a bi-factor model. Analyses were performed on a polychoric correlation matrix using the WLSMV estimator. The Geomin oblique rotation was used for the EFA. Data for the validation study were collected in Poland in 2012 and 2020 from 256 and 245 students aged 16-19, respectively. Of the solutions tested, the bi-factor model proved to be the best fit to the data (RMSEA= 0.052; CFI = 0.964; TLI = 0.953). Based on the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, coefficients omega (ω), and ECV, the scale was found to have high reliability. At the same time, the stability of the scale’s latent structure, its dimensionality and reliability were positively verified by comparing the estimates for the data from 2012 and 2020. The analyses conducted allowed the researchers to assume that the SPK-II latent factor structure model consists of a general factor and three subfactors. The subfactors correspond to subscales which measure specified attributes of a general propensity to adopt conformist attitudes: lack of self-confidence, submissiveness to others and passivity in expressing one’s own views.
The SPK-II fills a gap consisting in the absence of standardized research tools whose diagnostic spectrum is concerned with measuring the general propensity to adopt conformist attitudes in adolescents, taking into account attributes around which the conformity is focused. Its application enables studying conformity as an important adaptation mechanism in adolescence and predicting individual behaviour in various social situations related to participation in peer groups.
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