Creative Attitudes and Socio-Emotional Competences of Students with Dyslexia and without Dyslexia in Early Adolescence
social competences, emotional intelligence, creative attitudes, dyslexia, early adolescenceAbstract
The article is an attempt to find answers to the question about the differences that exist within the competence of the socio-emotional and creative attitudes among students with dyslexia and those without dyslexia.
The tool used to investigate social skills was Social Competence Questionnaire (KKS) A. Matczak (2007), Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (INTE) N.S. Schutte, J. M. Malouff, L. E. Hall, D. J. Haggerty, J. T. Cooper, Ch. J. Golden, L. Dornheim in Polish adaptation of A. Ciechanowicz, A Jaworowski, A. Matczak (2000, 2008) were used to investigate emotional intelligence. Creative attitudes were examined using - Creative Behaviour Questionnaire KANH S. Popek (2000).
The analysis of the results made it possible to extract the areas in which the functioning of both groups of students varies considerably. In relation to the above-mentioned areas, the most important differences involve social exposure, overall emotional intelligence and the use of emotion in the process of thinking and acting. Students with dyslexia have achieved in this case statistically lower scores than their peers without dyslexia. In the area of creative behavior students with dyslexia present a higher level of conformity and reproductive activities.
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