Mindfulness Training Programs for Children and Youth – a Review from the Perspective of Polish Education
mindfulness, mindfulness training, psychosocial intervention, mental health programs, school/preschool educationAbstract
Mindfulness training program is a type of psychosocial intervention realized, among others, in schools and preschools for students aged from 4 to 18 years and older. The current interest in mindfulness sessions results from: (1) reports of their positive impact on mental health,coping with problems and distribution of attention; (2) the alarming statistics, e.g. WHO, concerning mental health of young people; (3) the need for interventions based on scientific evidence. The main goal of the article is to present mindfulness training programs for children
and youth in Europe and North America, focusing on the programs whose effectiveness has been demonstrated in evidence based research. Next goal was to present a review of the main results of meta-analyses of studies on the effects of mindfulness training for children
and youth. Finally, the conditions and the possibilities for implementing mindfulness training programs in Polish schools were discussed. It was concluded that the literature review and analysis of research results indicate that there are significant benefits of mindfulness training programs for the students’ psychosocial functioning. The mindfulness programs could be effectively implemented within the Polish education system.
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