The Parenting Behaviours and Dimensions Questionnaire – Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version
The aim of the study was to examine the factor structure, internal consistency, and other psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Parenting Behaviours and Dimensions Questionnaire (PBDQ). In two studies, 1035 Polish parents of children between 6 months and 12 years of age completed the PBDQ, a sociodemographic questionnaire, and two measures (resilience and emotional control) to examine external validity. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses support a six-factor model of parenting dimensions, including emotional warmth, punitive discipline, anxious intrusiveness, autonomy support, permissive discipline, and democratic discipline. The results indicate that the Polish adaptation of the PBDQ has good reliability and validity. This measure allows for an alternative assessment of parental behaviours among Polish parents based on these positive and negative dimensions. The findings highlight the relationship between parental behaviours and other parent and child variables.
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