Theoretical Foundations and Management Models in Education as a Response to Risk and Uncertainty. Meta-Analysis of the Effectiveness of Education Management Models
The process of building knowledge in the field of management of education started relatively late and it is still being developed. It is also closely interrelated with the effectiveness of educational processes. This article is meant to show the paradigm shift, which is occurring in contemporary education, in which the abandonment of the centralised models of political interventions has resulted in the search for new solutions that would fit into the current need to accelerate the development. This need is reinforced by the pace of the ongoing socio-economic changes, some of which may be difficult or impossible to predict. The situation gives birth to new, more challenging problems as well as to the need to impose new models of education management. It is therefore of utmost importance to provide an overview of the main theoretical positions and management models in education, the evaluation of which is a response to the new prerequisite to cope with risk and uncertainty.
The aim of the article is, therefore, to conduct a metanalysis of these theoretical positions and models. The order of the analyses consisted of three key categories (analysis criteria) adopted by the OECD in the description of the education system: input resources, internal school processes and output resources, as well as the relationships between them as the basis for showing the ongoing changes while rejecting the existing paradigms. In English-language literature, systematic literature reviews are already standard today. Hence the proposal to use such a method, the purpose of which is to indicate the need to develop a model for managing education processes in a dynamically changing socio-cultural space based on available publications.
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