The Cognitive Component of Academic Teachers’ Attitudes Towards E-Learning – Research Report
The content of the article was directed at determining the level of the cognitive component of university teachers in relation to the use of e-learning in the process of academic education. The purpose of the research being carried out was to determine the dependence of the cognitive component of academic teachers’ attitudes toward e-learning in higher education on the implementation of a distance learning course in Poland. For the purpose of our own research, a survey method was chosen, while the technique used was questionnaire surveying. The research tool used to determine the cognitive component was a test consisting of a set of 30 purposefully selected single-choice questions with three possible answers. The test consisted of three main parts, and each part contained questions on basic knowledge and specific aspects of the issues discussed. The questions were created to verify the mastered content, which was implemented during a training course designed for university teachers
on the use of e-learning in the process of educating students. They were used to determine the scope and depth of knowledge possessed by academic teachers regarding the use of elearning in the academic learning environment. Based on the analysis of the study, it can be noted that the implementation of training
courses to improve the teaching and information and communication skills academic teachers at the University of Rzeszow brought an increase in the level of the cognitive component. The task of academic teachers is to self-improve their workshop. The role of lecturers is to constantly update their knowledge using various e-learning technologies for this purpose. A key role is the awareness of the need for lifelong learning in a rapidly developing reality.
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