Sense of Loneliness, Sense of Effectiveness, Interpersonal Trust and Interpersonal Relations of Academic Youth During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The article aims to present the levels of the sense of loneliness, sense of effectiveness and interpersonal trust presented by academic youth and to demonstrate their importance for the subjective assessment of the quality of interpersonal relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic. It presents the results of empirical research conducted with the participation of 2,285 respondents studying in a full-time mode in Poland. The research material was collected using an online questionnaire (CAWI) and subjected to statistical analysis (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, V-Cramer coefficient, chi-square test, Student’s t-test, one-way ANOVA and Levene’s test were used). The survey questionnaire used the De Jong Gierveld (DJGLS) Loneliness Scale in the Polish adaptation, the scale to measure interpersonal trust by Dorota Hybiak and the scale to measure the sense of effectiveness by Krystyna Skarżyńska. The results obtained show a statistically significant correlation, with the respondents showing a higher sense of effectiveness, a lower level of loneliness and a higher level of interpersonal trust, and higher subjective satisfaction with interpersonal relationships experienced during a pandemic. These research categories can therefore be considered as protective factors in a pandemic situation and as factors of “hope” for the rebuilding of interpersonal contacts in a post-pandemic reality.
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