Metaphors in Child Discourse: Interpretive Research from a Participatory Perspective
This article presents the study results of an educational project focused on visual metaphor in initiated child discourse. The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge of children between the ages of 9 and 10 years old regarding the target domain of metaphorical projection (concerning togetherness) and children’s metaphorisation skills in the area of recognising similarities and differences between the target domain and the source domain of visual metaphor in an artistic picture book. In the designed didactic intervention activities, the research material originated from participant observation, focus interviews,
and analysis of children’s creations (graphic visualisations). The research was conducted on two groups of third graders in selected primary schools in the metropolitan environment of Łódź, Poland. The results illustrate children’s preferences for translating one domain of
metaphor with another, as well as the strategies for constructing children’s knowledge with respect to life in a relationship. Furthermore, they point towards the need for expanding the educational environment in Polish educational culture.
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