Refunctioning and Extending Ethnographic Methods of Data Collection and Analysis in Educational Action Research
The paper discusses the effect of epistemological-methodological turns in the social sciences, including education and cultural anthropology, on our decisions when selecting and applying methods of data collection and analysis in educational action research. My assumption is that ethnographic description not only provides a starting point for most educational projects launched within this design of intervention research but also appears as a ‘methodology’ across their stages (in ongoing evaluation, which reveals what is happening and how it is happening in the educational situation as the intervention is being carried out, and in the final assessment, which determines the further development of the project). Given this, I focus on how the decision-making and implementation processes (can) reflect the extension of various forms of inquiry propelled by the refunctioning of ethnography in the aftermath of ‘the crisis of representation.’ My explorations revolve around the notion of transition (from to): the transition from Kurt Lewin’s model to so-called research/practice in educational action research and the transition from description to performance regarding the application of ethnographic methods in action research. This also involves redefining the field, expanding the classic methods of data collection and analysis (= participant observation), and redrawing the status of the researcher and other project participants, which leads to the shift from ethnographic expertise to the ethnography of expertise.
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