Non-Templar witnesses in the Templar Trial
history, the Middle Ages, military orders, heresy, rumour, Templars, trials, non-Templar witnessesAbstract
Although non-Templars were questioned about various matters during the Templar trial, including the location of brothers and their property, they were most frequently asked about alleged Templar wrongdoing. It was, however, only in areas where Templars denied the charges or where few Templars were arrested that many outsiders were interrogated. Varying measures were adopted to secure their assistance. Eye-witnesses often spoke favourably of the Templars’ conduct, although some did express concerns. The strongest criticism was voiced by those relying on second-hand reports and rumour; but their testimony is not convincing. Non-Templars were questioned two or more years after Philip IV had initiated proceedings against the Order, and there was plenty of time for rumours to be spread and elaborated. Some non-Templar witnesses were also influenced by matters unrelated to the charges against the Templars. Witnesses in some western countries, where Templars had no military role and were known mainly as landowners, were much more hostile than those in Cyprus. It has also been claimed that it was in the interests of the orders of friars to denigrate the Templars, although this may be questioned. Non-Templar evidence, however, was of little importance in determining the fate of the Templars: it was only in the British Isles that it may have had some significance.
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