Author Guidelines
Ordines Militares Colloquia Torunensia Historica. Yearbook for the Study of the Military Orders
(valid from 2018)
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When submitting papers for publication in English* in Ordines Militares Colloquia Torunensia Historica. Yearbook for the Study of the Military Orders, please adhere to the following guidelines. If not, please mind text editing charges.
- File type: Submit your manuscript as a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx).
- Title font: The title of your submission should be in bold font, Times New Roman 12.
- Text font/spacing: The main text of your submission should be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, with a line spacing of 1.5 lines.
- Notes (references) font/spacing: Notes (references) should be in Times New Roman, 10-point font, with single-line spacing (1). All notes (references) should be footnotes (not endnotes).
- Quotations: All quotations from primary sources (whether long or short) should be in italics. All quotations from secondary sources (whether long or short) should be in double quotation marks (“ ”).
“All long quotations should be formatted as block quotes, i.e., in Times New Roman, 11-point font, with single-line spacing (1), and with a single blank line (space) before and after the quotation.”
- Spelling, grammar, punctuation: Your submission should be carefully checked for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
- Author data: On the first page, above the title of your submission, left-aligned, provide the name(s), affiliation(s) in the language of the institution (so e.g. in German for a German institution, French for a French institution), country (in English) and e-mail address(es) of your submission’s author(s).
- Abstract and keywords: Under the title of the article, provide the title of your submission in English if the text is not in English; a short abstract in English (1000–1500 characters, specifying the theme and scope of your paper, problem statement, approach, results and conclusions); and 8 keywords in English, including the following 3: history (or other discipline); the Middle Ages (or other epoch); military orders.
- Bibliography: At the end of the text, provide a bibliography in Chicago style (details below) of the works cited in your submission. This bibliography should consist of a primary source section (including archival sources in a separate entry) and a secondary source section. In each section, works should be listed in alphabetical order. Each entry of a work cited should be in TNR 12, spacing 1.5 and separated from the subsequent entry, as shown below:
Phillips, Jonathan. Druga krucjata: Rozszerzanie granic chrześcijaństwa. Translated by Norbert Radomski. Poznań: Dom Wydawniczy Rebis, 2013.
Raffi, Michele. “Some illegalities in the trials against the Templars.” Quaderni di Scienza della Conservazione 1 (2001): 44–54.
For citations, Ordines Militares Colloquia Torunensia Historica: Yearbook for the Study of the Military Orders uses the Chicago Manual of Style’s “Notes and Bibliography” format; for general and further orientation, see
In your notes (references), be sure to cite the specific pages or page-ranges to which you are referring. In the following explanations, CAPITAL LETTERS indicate that numbers/numerals (only) are required.
First note/reference: Author’s/authors’ full name(s), Title in italics: Subtitle(s), if extant, separated from the main title by a colon (City of publication: Publisher, YEAR), PAGE NUMBER(S).
Helen Nicholson, Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights: Images of the Military Orders, 1128–1291 (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1995), 315–316.
If there are two authors, their names are separated by “and”:
Piotr Pranke and Miloš Zečević, Handel interregionalny od X do XII wieku: Europa Środkowa, Środkowo-Wschodnia, Półwysep Skandynawski i Półwysep Bałkański: Studium porównawcze (Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2016), 35.
If there are three or more authors, the format is: First Author, Second Author, and Third Author, ...
Ireneusz Ihnatowicz, Antoni Mączak, and Benedykt Zientara, Społeczeństwo polskie od X do XX wieku (Warszawa: Książka i wiedza, 1979), 279.
Subsequent notes/references: Author’s/authors’ last name(s), First word(s) of the title (to the first noun or compound noun) in italics, PAGE NUMBER(S).
Nicholson, Templars, 77.
Pranke and Zečević, Handel, 160.
Ihnatowicz, Mączak, and Zientara, Społeczeństwo, 280.
Bibliography: The last name of the first (!) author appears before the first name. Punctuation differs from notes/reference entries. Publication information is not bracketed.
Nicholson, Helen. Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights: Images of the Military Orders, 1128-1291. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1995.
Pranke, Piotr, and Miloš Zečević. Handel interregionalny od X do XII wieku: Europa Środkowa, Środkowo-Wschodnia, Półwysep Skandynawski i Półwysep Bałkański: Studium porównawcze. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2016.
Ihnatowicz, Ireneusz, Antoni Mączak, and Benedykt Zientara. Społeczeństwo polskie od X do XX wieku. Warszawa: Książka i wiedza, 1979.
First note/reference: Author’s/authors’ full name(s), “Title of the chapter/part,” in Title of the book/edited volume in italics: Subtitle(s), if extant, separated from the main title by a colon, ed. Editor’s/editors’ full name(s) (City of publication: Publisher, YEAR), PAGE NUMBER(S).
Alan Forey, “Could Alleged Templar Malpractices Have Remained Undetected for Decades?” in The Debate on the Trial of the Templars (1307–1314), ed. Jochen Burgtorf, Paul F. Crawford, and Helen J. Nicholson (Farnham: Ashgate, 2010), 14.
Janusz Tandecki, “Administrative divisions of the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia,” in The Teutonic Order in Prussia and Livonia: The political and ecclesiastical structures 13th–16th century, ed. Roman Czaja and Andrzej Radzimiński (Toruń: Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu / Köln–Weimar–Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2015), 43.
In the case of joint imprints (see the example above), a forward slash (/) is used to separate the imprints.
Subsequent notes/references:
Forey, “Could Alleged Templar Malpractices,” 15.
Tandecki, “Administrative divisions,” 44.
Bibliography: The page range of the book chapter or part of the edited volume appears before the publication information.
Forey, Alan. “Could Alleged Templar Malpractices Have Remained Undetected for Decades?” In The Debate on the Trial of the Templars (1307–1314), edited by Jochen Burgtorf, Paul F. Crawford, and Helen J. Nicholson, 11–19. Farnham: Ashgate, 2010.
Tandecki, Janusz. “Administrative divisions of the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia.” In The Teutonic Order in Prussia and Livonia: The political and ecclesiastical structures 13th–16th century, edited by Roman Czaja and Andrzej Radzimiński, 31–56. Toruń: Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu / Köln-Weimar-Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2015.
a) Book:
Jürgen Sarnowsky, Die Wirtschaftsführung des Deutschen Ordens in Preußen (1382–1454), Veröffentlichungen aus den Archiven Preußischer Kulturbesitzes 34 (Köln–Weimar–Wien: Böhlau, 1993), 45.
Sarnowsky, Jürgen. Die Wirtschaftsführung des Deutschen Ordens in Preußen (1382–1454). Veröffentlichungen aus den Archiven Preußischer Kulturbesitzes 34. Köln–Weimar–Wien: Böhlau, 1993.
b) Chapter/article in a collective volume:
Klaus Militzer, “Die Einbindung des Deutschen Ordens in die süddeutsche Adelswelt,” in Ritterorden und Region. Politische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Verbindungen im Mittelalter, ed. Zenon Hubert Nowak, Ordines Militares. Colloquia Torunensia Historica VIII (Toruń: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 1995), 141–160.
Militzer, Klaus. “Die Einbindung des Deutschen Ordens in die süddeutsche Adelswelt.” In Ritterorden und Region. Politische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Verbindungen im Mittelalter, edited by Zenon Hubert Nowak, 141–160. Ordines Militares. Colloquia Torunensia Historica VIII. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 1995.
c) Source editions:
Visitationen im Deutschen Orden im Mittelalter, vol. 1, 1236–1449, ed. Marian Biskup and Irena Janosz-Biskupowa, with Udo Arnold, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens 50 (Marburg: Elwert Verlag, 2002), 3 no. 1.
Visitationen im Deutschen Orden im Mittelalter. Vol. 1. 1236-1449. Edited by Marian Biskup and Irena Janosz-Biskupowa, with Udo Arnold. Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens 50. Marburg: Elwert Verlag, 2002.
Each volume of a publication must have a separate bibliographical entry and a full footnote to each of the volumes cited must be provided, e.g.:
1) Léon Ménard, Histoire civile, ecclésiastique et littéraire de la ville de Nismes avec des notes et les preuves, vol. 1 (Paris: Hugues D. Chaubert et Claude Hérissant fils, 1744), 176.
2) Documents, ed. Cole, 142–143.
3) Ménard, Histoire, 1: 177.
4) Léon Ménard, Histoire civile, ecclésiastique et littéraire de la ville de Nismes avec des notes et les preuves, vol. 2 (Paris: Hugues D. Chaubert et Claude Hérissant fils, 1751), 124.
5) Ménard, Histoire, 1: 180.
6) Ménard, Histoire, 2: 128.
7) Ménard, Histoire, 1: 180.
8) Ibid., 184.
a) Volume with a subtitle – BOOK
Steven Runciman, Dzieje wypraw krzyżowych, vol. I, Pierwsza krucjata i założenie Królestwa Jerozolimskiego, trans. Jerzy Schwakopf, epil. Benedykt Zientara (Warszawa, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1987), 60.
Runciman, Dzieje, I: 61.
Runciman, Steven. Dzieje wypraw krzyżowych. Vol. I. Pierwsza krucjata i założenie Królestwa Jerozolimskiego. Translated by Jerzy Schwakopf. Epilogue by Benedykt Zientara. Warszawa, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1987.
b) Volume with a subtitle – CHAPTER
Axel Ehlers, “The use of indulgences by the Teutonic Order in the Middle Ages,” in The Military Orders, vol. 3, History and Heritage, ed. Victor Mallia Milanes (Aldershot: Routledge, 2008), 139–145.
Ehlers, “The use,” 3: 146.
Ehlers, Axel. “The use of indulgences by the Teutonic Order in the Middle Ages.” In The Military Orders. Vol. 3, History and Heritage, edited by Victor Mallia Milanes, 139-145. Aldershot: Routledge, 2008.
c) Volumes of a source edition with a subtitle
Preußisches Urkundenbuch, vol. III, inst. 1, 1335–1341, ed. Max Hein (Königsberg/Pr.: Gräfe und Unzer, 1944), 283.
Preußisches Urkundenbuch, III.1, ed. Hein, 287.
Preußisches Urkundenbuch. Vol. III. Inst. 1. 1335–1341. Edited by Max Hein. Königsberg/Pr.: Gräfe und Unzer, 1944.
a) Reprint:
Giovanni Domenico Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, vol. XXII (Venice: Apud Antonium Zatta, 1778 (repr. Graz: Akademische Druck u. Verlagsanstalt, 1961)), cols. 222–223.
Mansi, Giovanni Domenico. Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio. Vol. XXII. Venice: Apud Antonium Zatta, 1778 (repr. Graz: Akademische Druck u. Verlagsanstalt, 1961).
b) Further edition:
Hans Erich Feine, Kirchliche Rechtsgeschichte. Katholische Kirche (Köln–Graz: Böhlau, 1964, 4th edition), 351–63.
Feine, Hans Erich. Kirchliche Rechtsgeschichte. Katholische Kirche. Köln–Graz: Böhlau, 1964, 4th edition.
First note/reference: Author’s/authors’ full name(s), Title of the book in italics: Subtitle(s), if extant, separated from the main title by a colon, trans. Translator’s/translators’ full name(s) (City of publication: Publisher, YEAR), PAGE NUMBER(S).
Jonathan Phillips, Druga krucjata: Rozszerzanie granic chrześcijaństwa, trans. Norbert Radomski (Poznań: Dom Wydawniczy Rebis, 2013), 263.
Martin J. Dougherty, “Jerozolima, 1000 r. p.n.e,” in Wojny biblijne, ed. Martin J. Dougherty, Michael E. Haskew, Phyllis G. Jestice, and Rob S. Rice, trans. Urszula Ruzik-Kulińska (Warszawa: Bellona, 2015), 87–89.
Subsequent notes/references: The information about the translator(s) is omitted:
Phillips, Druga krucjata, 263.
Dougherty, “Jerozolima,” 88.
Phillips, Jonathan. Druga krucjata: Rozszerzanie granic chrześcijaństwa. Translated by Norbert Radomski. Poznań: Dom Wydawniczy Rebis, 2013.
Dougherty, Martin J. “Jerozolima, 1000 r. p.n.e.” In Wojny biblijne, edited by Martin J. Dougherty, Michael E. Haskew, Phyllis G. Jestice, and Rob S. Rice, translated by Urszula Ruzik-Kulińska, 87–89. Warszawa: Bellona, 2015.
a) Two different places, publishers and dates:
Magdalena Jakubek, Frank Schlütter, Wioleta Oberta, and Jadwiga W. Łukasiewicz, “Medieval Gypsum Mortars Used for Architectural Details in the Castle of the Teutonic Order in Toruń, Poland,” in Historic Mortars and RILEM TC 203–RHM Final Workshop HMC 2010, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference and of the Final Workshop of RILEM TC 203–RHM, ed. Jan Válek, Caspar Groot, and John J. Hughes (Bagneux: RILEM Publications, 2009 / Red Hood, NY: Curran Associates, Inc., 2011), 227–237.
Jakubek, Magdalena, Frank Schlütter, Wioleta Oberta, Jadwiga W. Łukasiewicz. “Medieval Gypsum Mortars Used for Architectural Details in the Castle of the Teutonic Order in Toruń, Poland.” In Historic Mortars and RILEM TC 203-RHM Final Workshop HMC 2010, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference and of the Final Workshop of RILEM TC 203-RHM, edited by Jan Válek, Caspar Groot, and John J. Hughes, 227–230. Bagneux: RILEM Publications 2009 / Red Hood, NY: Curran Associates, Inc., 2011.
b) Two different places and publishers, but the same date:
Janusz Tandecki, “Administrative divisions of the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia,” in The Teutonic Order in Prussia and Livonia: The political and ecclesiastical structures 13th–16th century, ed. Roman Czaja and Andrzej Radzimiński (Toruń: Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu / Köln–Weimar–Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2015), 43.
Tandecki, Janusz. “Administrative divisions of the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia.” In The Teutonic Order in Prussia and Livonia: The political and ecclesiastical structures 13th–16th century, edited by Roman Czaja and Andrzej Radzimiński, 31–56. Toruń: Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu / Köln–Weimar–Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2015.
c) Two or more different places of publication (the same publisher and date):
Bernard Jesionowski, “Opis architektury i dzieje budowlane kościoła Najświętszej Marii Panny w zespole zamkowym w Malborku,” in Zamek Wysoki w Malborku. Interdyscyplinarne badania skrzydła północnego, ed. Maria Poksińska (Malbork–Toruń–Łódź: Muzeum Zamkowe, 2006), 59–76; Błażejewska, Rzeźba, 71–109.
Jesionowski, Bernard. “Opis architektury i dzieje budowlane kościoła Najświętszej Marii Panny w zespole zamkowym w Malborku.” In Zamek Wysoki w Malborku. Interdyscyplinarne badania skrzydła północnego, edited by Maria Poksińska, 59–76. Malbork–Toruń–Łódź: Muzeum Zamkowe, 2006.
First note/reference: In addition to the citation information required for print material, include a URL (Uniform Resource Locator: http://...) or the name of the database used or the electronic format used. If there are no “page” numbers, cite the section number or the chapter number. For articles consulted online, include a URL or the name of the database. Many journal articles list a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). A DOI forms a permanent URL that begins This URL is preferable to the URL that appears in your browser’s address bar.
Eric Christiansen, The Northern Crusades, (London: Penguin, 1998, 2nd edition), 120, Kindle.
Eric Christiansen, The Northern Crusades, (London: Penguin, 1998, 2nd edition), chap. 2, Kindle.
Denys Pringle, “The Order of St Thomas of Canterbury in Acre,” in The Military Orders, vol. 5, Politics and Power, ed. Peter W. Edbury (Farnham: Ashgate, 2012), 79, eBook Collection EBSCOhost.
Michele Raffi, “Some illegalities in the trials against the Templars,” Quaderni di Scienza della Conservazione 1 (2001): 46,
Subsequent notes/references: The information about databases, electronic formats, or URLs/DOIs is omitted.
Christiansen, The Northern Crusades, 120.
Christiansen, The Northern Crusades, chap. 2.
Pringle, “The Order,” 79.
Raffi, “Some illegalities,” 46.
Christiansen, Eric. The Northern Crusades. London: Penguin, 1998, 2nd edition. Kindle.
Pringle, Denys. “The Order of St Thomas of Canterbury in Acre.” In The Military Orders. Vol. 5, Politics and Power, edited by Peter W. Edbury, 75–82. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. eBook Collection EBSCOhost.
Raffi, Michele. “Some illegalities in the trials against the Templars.” Quaderni di Scienza della Conservazione 1 (2001): 44–54.
First note/reference: Note that there is a difference in the citation for journal and magazine articles.
- For journal articles, include the following: Author’s/authors’ full name(s), “Title of the article: Subtitle(s), if extant, separated from the main title by a colon,” Name of the journal VOLUME NUMBER, no. ISSUE NUMBER (if available) (YEAR OF PUBLICATION): PAGE NUMBER(S).
- For book reviews in journals, include the following: Reviewer’s full name, review of Title of the reviewed publication in italics: Subtitle(s), if extant, separated from the main title by a colon, by Author’s/authors’ full name(s), Name of the journal where the review is published VOLUME NUMBER, no. ISSUE NUMBER (if available) (YEAR OF PUBLICATION): PAGE NUMBER(S).
- For magazine articles, include the following: Author’s/authors’ full name(s), “Title of the article: Subtitle(s), if extant, separated from the main title by a colon,” Name of the magazine, Month DAY, YEAR OF PUBLICATION, PAGE NUMBER(S).
- For journal and magazine articles consulted online or in an electronic format, add the respective URL/DOI or database used or electronic format used (following the guidelines above).
- If there are four or more authors, list up to ten in the bibliography, but, in the note (reference), list only the first author, followed by et al. (“and others”) without a comma.
Sławomir Jóźwiak and Janusz Trupinda, “Nazwy pomieszczeń zamku malborskiego w instrumentach notarialnych z końca XIV – pierwszej połowy XV wieku,” Zapiski Historyczne 72, no. 4 (2007): 48.
Grzegorz Berendt, review of Społeczność żydowska Gdyni w okresie międzywojennym, by Jarosław Drozd, Zapiski Historyczne 72, no. 4 (2007): 180–81.
Susan Jacoby, “The First Victims of the First Crusade,” The New York Times, February 15, 2015, SR5.
Susan Jacoby, “The First Victims of the First Crusade,” The New York Times, February 15, 2015,
Subsequent notes/references:
Jóźwiak and Trupinda, “Nazwy,” 42.
Berendt, review of Społeczność, 180–81.
Jacoby, “The First Victims,” SR5.
Jacoby, “The First Victims,” online.
Bibliography: In case of magazine (but not journal!) articles, the page number(s) may be omitted.
Jóźwiak, Sławomir, and Janusz Trupinda. “Nazwy pomieszczeń zamku malborskiego w instrumentach notarialnych z końca XIV – pierwszej połowy XV wieku.” Zapiski Historyczne 72, no. 4 (2007): 41–56.
Berendt, Grzegorz. Review of Społeczność żydowska Gdyni w okresie międzywojennym, by Jarosław Drozd. Zapiski Historyczne 72, no. 4 (2007): 180–81.
Jacoby, Susan. “The First Victims of the First Crusade.” The New York Times, February 15, 2015.
Jacoby, Susan. “The First Victims of the First Crusade.” The New York Times, February 15, 2015.
First note/reference: These should be as precise as possible and include (to the extent that it is available) the basic information about the document (namely: author/issuer/creator to recipient, DAY Month YEAR), as well as the city, institution in original language, collection name, and shelfmark. If documents were consulted online or in a digital collection, add the URL or database name at the end of the citation. For documents in private collections, add “private collection” at the end of the citation.
For foliants and codices, please indicate both „recto” and „verso” pages (r and v)
The commander of Memel to the Grand Master, the first half of the 15th century, Berlin. Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XX. HA, Ordensbriefarchiv 1809.
Subsequent notes/references: Omit the repository information, but include a reference to the first note (reference) in which the document was cited
The commander of Memel to the Grand Master, the first half of the 15th century, see above (note 1).
The abbreviation of the name of the archives is allowed, e.g.
1) The commander of Memel to the Grand Master, the first half of the 15th century, Berlin. Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz (henceforth as: GStA PK), XX. HA, Ordensbriefarchiv 1809.
14) The commander of Schlochau to the Grand Master, 1 March 1454, GStA PK, XX. HA, Ordensbriefarchiv 12862, fol. 2r.
24) The commander of Memel to the Grand Master, the first half of the 15th century, see above (note 1).
Bibliography: Omit the specific document information, but list precise repository information.
Berlin. Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz. XX. Hauptabteilung, Ordensbriefarchiv 1809, 1869, 1957.
The following examples consider the following types of edited primary sources:
- editions of documents (collections)
- editions of narrative sources that take up an entire volume
- editions of narrative sources that only cover part of a volume
First note/reference:
Visitationen im Deutschen Orden im Mittelalter, vol. 1, 1236-1449, ed. Marian Biskup and Irena Janosz-Biskupowa, with Udo Arnold, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens 50 (Marburg: Elwert Verlag, 2002), 3 no. 1.
Henrici Chronicon Livoniae: Heinrichs Livländische Chronik, ed. Leonid Arbusow and Albert Bauer, 2nd ed., MGH, SS rer. Germ. 31 (Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1955), 38.
Laurentius Blumenau, “Historia de Ordine Theutonicorum Cruciferorum,” ed. Max Toeppen, in Scriptores rerum Prussicarum: Die Geschichtsquellen der preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergang der Ordensherrschaft, vol. 4, ed. Theodor Hirsch, Max Toeppen, and Ernst Strehlke (Leipzig: Hirzel, 1870), 48.
Subsequent notes/references:
Visitationen, I, ed. Biskup and Janosz-Biskupowa, 3 no. 1.
Henrici Chronicon Livoniae, 38.
Laurentius Blumenau, “Historia,” 49.
Bibliography: Note that medieval authors (pre–1500) are usually alphabetized under their first names.
Visitationen im Deutschen Orden im Mittelalter. Vol. 1. 1236-1449. Edited by Marian Biskup and Irena Janosz-Biskupowa, with Udo Arnold. Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens 50. Marburg: Elwert Verlag, 2002.
Henrici Chronicon Livoniae: Heinrichs Livländische Chronik. Edited by Leonid Arbusow and Albert Bauer. 2nd ed. MGH, SS rer. Germ. 31. Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1955.
Laurentius Blumenau. “Historia de Ordine Theutonicorum Cruciferorum.” Edited by Max Toeppen. In Scriptores rerum Prussicarum: Die Geschichtsquellen der preußischen Vorzeit bis zum Untergang der Ordensherrschaft, vol. 4, edited by Theodor Hirsch, Max Toeppen, and Ernst Strehlke, 35–70. Leipzig: Hirzel, 1870.
The source editions which are included in an article, chapter or as an annex to a book, must be inserted in the list of primary sources. The general rule of making bibliographical entries and footnotes to such texts is the following: quote the article/chapter/book as usually, then after a specific page number referring to a source edition, in a parenthesis indicate the following: (Source edition no. #, Original title of a source/headline provided by an editor).
a) Source editions in a journal article
Carl Beckherrn, “Vier noch ungedruckte Urkunden,” Altpreußische Monatsschrift 21 (1884): 676 (Source edition no. 2, Johann von Beenhusen, Pfleger zu Rastenburg, verleiht 1424 dem Andreas Brunwortz einen Platz bei der Stadt Rastenburg).
Beckherrn, Carl. “Vier noch ungedruckte Urkunden.” Altpreußische Monatsschrift 21 (1884): 676 (Source edition no. 2, Johann von Beenhusen, Pfleger zu Rastenburg, verleiht 1424 dem Andreas Brunwortz einen Platz bei der Stadt Rastenburg).
b) Source editions in a book
Jürgen Sarnowsky, Die Wirtschaftsführung des Deutschen Ordens in Preußen (1382–1454) (Köln–Weimar–Wien: Böhlau, 1993), 715–716 (Source edition no. 4, Visitationsvorschriften (und Konventsordnung) wohl aus der Zeit Michael Küchmeister; möglicherweise für eine Visitation in Deutschland angelegt und für Preußen ergänzt).
Sarnowsky, Jürgen. Die Wirtschaftsführung des Deutschen Ordens in Preußen (1382–1454). Köln–Weimar–Wien: Böhlau, 1993, 715–716 (Source edition no. 4, Visitationsvorschriften (und Konventsordnung) wohl aus der Zeit Michael Küchmeister; möglicherweise für eine Visitation in Deutschland angelegt und für Preußen ergänzt).
c) Source edition in a chapter:
Zenon Hubert Nowak, “Sprawa zaopatrzenia ‘emerytalnego’ w zakonie krzyżackim w pierwszej połowie XV wieku – Die Frage der ‘Altersversorgung’ im Deutschen Orden in der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts,” in Przyczynki źródłowe do historii zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach, ed. Zenon Hubert Nowak, (Toruń: Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu / Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2011), 152–153 (Source edition no. 5, Des cappellans zu Rastemburg tischverschreibungen).
Nowak, Zenon Hubert. “Sprawa zaopatrzenia ‘emerytalnego’ w zakonie krzyżackim w pierwszej połowie XV wieku – Die Frage der ‘Altersversorgung’ im Deutschen Orden in der ersten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts.” In Przyczynki źródłowe do historii zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach, edited by Zenon Hubert Nowak, 152–153 (Source edition no. 5, Des cappellans zu Rastemburg tischverschreibungen). Toruń: Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu / Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2011.
Genji Yasuhira, “Civic Agency in the Public Sphere. Catholics’ Survival Tactics in Utrecht, 1620s–1670s” (PhD Diss., Tilburg University, 2019), 45 and 117.
Yasuhira, Genji. “Civic Agency in the Public Sphere. Catholics’ Survival Tactics in Utrecht, 1620s–1670s." PhD Dissertation, Tilburg University, 2019.
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1 Helen Nicholson, Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic Knights: Images of the Military Orders, 1128–1291 (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1995), 315–316.
2 Piotr Pranke and Miloš Zečević, Handel interregionalny od X do XII wieku: Europa Środkowa, Środkowo-Wschodnia, Półwysep Skandynawski i Półwysep Bałkański: Studium porównawcze (Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 2016), 35.
3 Alan Forey, “Could Alleged Templar Malpractices Have Remained Undetected for Decades?” in The Debate on the Trial of the Templars (1307–1314), ed. Jochen Burgtorf, Paul F. Crawford, und Helen J. Nicholson (Farnham: Ashgate, 2010), 14.
4 Nicholson, Templars, 218.
5 Ibid., 219.
6 Janusz Tandecki, “Administrative divisions of the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia,” in The Teutonic Order in Prussia and Livonia: The political and ecclesiastical structures 13th–16th century, ed. Roman Czaja und Andrzej Radzimiński (Toruń: Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu / Köln-Weimar-Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2015), 43; id., “Soziale Beziehungen zwischen dem Bürgertum und dem Deutschen Orden in Preußen,“ in Ritterorden und Region. Politische, soziale und wortschaftliche Verbindungen im Mittelalter, ed. Zenon H. Nowak, Ordines Militares. Colloquia Thorunensia Historica VIII (Toruń: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 1995), 125?139.
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