Sybille Krämer, Poznanie symboliczne u Leibniza – komentarz tłumacza
Sybille Krämer, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Antoine Arnauld, sign, expression, logic, ontology, formalisation, cultural techniques, notational iconicityAbstract
The article offers a brief introduction to the Polish translation of Sybille Krämer’s Symbolische Erkenntnis bei Leibniz (Symbolic Cognition in Leibniz). I situate the author’s argument in the context of both her research into the idea of formalisation and a wider discussion within Leibniz scholarship concerning the status of signs and symbolic representation in the philosophy and logic of the author of The Monadology. Further, I discuss Krämer’s analysis of the notion of expressio (expression). Her perspective allows for a better understanding of the difficulties Leibniz encountered in his discussion with Antoine Arnauld. Subsequently, I argue that her analysis avoids the attribution of strong ontological assumptions to Leibniz’s understanding of expression, contrary to what can be seen in the Polish reception of the philosopher. I conclude with pointing out the importance of Krämer’s research into Leibniz for the later development of the notions of cultural techniques and notational iconicity.
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