The Book of Enoch – an ancient apocryphon in the light of modern knowledge
DOI: chiave
apocryph, ancient culture, Enoch, modern knowledgeAbstract
The Book of Enoch (Corpus Henochicum or 1 Hen), is the oldest and probably the most important Jewish apocryphal work. It consists of five different segments (books) and an appendix dating from various times in the third century B.C. Even though the Book did not make its way to the Hebrew or Christian canon, it was highly respected by many Second Temple Jews and early Christians. Actually it must have had a great impact on pre-Christian Judaism, as well as on Christianity – especially in the field of apocalypticism. Nowadays, scholars tend to appreciate more than ever the importance of the work for the study of the Second Temple Judaism. It can especially be helpful in shedding more light on the process of development of some theological ideas crucial for Judaism and Christianity. The current paper is a survey of contemporary knowledge concerning the history of composition and transmission of the Corpus Henochicum, as well as the question of the Vorlage and of the date of its earliest parts.
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