The Holiness of Father Joseph Sebastian Pelczar in the Everyday Pastoral Life of Sambor and Wojutycze: An Emanation Across Generations
Fr. Józef Sebastian Pelczar, vicar, parish, pastoral care, trust in Divine ProvidenceAbstract
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the death of St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, Bishop of Przemyśl (1900–1924). After being ordained in the Przemyśl Cathedral in 1864, Fr. Pelczar was appointed vicar of a parish in Sambor. This was a period of his original zeal, inspired by his desire to continue his studies in the Eternal City. After returning from his studies in Rome, Fr. Dr. Pelczar was again sent to do pastoral work: first to Wojutycze, and then again to Sambor. His second tenure in the parishes revealed Fr. Dr. Pelczar to be a humble and obedient priest who, despite being undervalued, devotedly carried out the duties assigned to him.
Fr. Pelczar faithfully observed the pledge of obedience to clerical authority and did not set his own life path in the Church. As a well-formed priest, he humbly submitted to the designs of Providence. His entire rich life rightly proves that to the one who asks, God always gives more graces than one expects.
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