Clericalism as an Important Cause for the Reform of Canon Penal Law
clericalism, Pascite gregem Dei, amendment of canon penal law, Book VI of the CIC/83Abstract
It is widely believed that the main reason for the amendment of Book VI of the CIC/83 was sexual abuse in the Church. However, crimes contra sextum cum minore also include those that result from the exaggerated exploitation of the social standing that the clergy have enjoyed in many countries. The particular nature of these crimes is associated with the phenomenon of clericalism, which stands in contradiction with the essence of the Church as shown by Pope Francis in his teaching. The author argues that this has been an important reason for the revision of Book VI and supports his argument by explaining the social considerations of the phenomenon in question. The definitions of crimes introduced in the CIC/83 as a result of the reform are aimed at overcoming clericalism.
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