Caritate vulnerata: Images and Breviary Chants of St. Catherine on Leaf T 44414 from the Historisches Museum Thurgau in Frauenfeld
St. Catherine, antiphonary, manuscript, liturgy, FrauenfeldAbstract
The author analyzes the content of a fragment of a parchment leaf containing two images and several breviary chants of St. Catherine of Alexandria. The leaf is dated to the first quarter of the fourteenth century. The catalog of the Historisches Museum Thurgau in Frauenfeld describes this item (T 44414) as a fragment of a Dominican women’s antiphonary, probably from the convent of St. Katharinenthal. Particularly intriguing is the image of Christ holding a taut bow and shooting at St. Catherine. An analysis of the chants found on T 44414 convincingly demonstrates that they do not belong to the Dominican tradition but rather to the Cistercian tradition.
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