Il costante progredire della frontiera tra teologia e scienza: “Fisica”
Creation, Big Bang, Homo SapiensAbstract
On constant movement of frontiers between Theology and Science: Physics
Pope Benedict XVI wrote in 1979 in “Four sermons on the Creation of world” that scientific discoveries cause a kind of retreat of the faith on “defensive” positions, giving an impression that in few centuries there would be no single dogma of faith valid. Discussing progresses of physics in last century (inflation of Universe, non-locality of quantum mechanics), of linguistics (the origin of Indo-European languages) and of genetics (mitochondrial DNA of Homo sapiens) we show that scientific discoveries make the faith retreat only apparently. In fact, the progress of science does not change the principles of Faith, but only illustrates and validates them: remain valid thesis of St. Thomas and St. Augustine. Every science discovery creates new questions, making clear that man has to depend both on reason and Faith. The aim of the article is not to “explain” the Bible according the newest discoveries but to show that these discoveries do not corrode the principles of Faith. In this way the border between natural sciences and theology remains in a constant movement: theology leaves to science obvious facts, entering deeper to the mystery of Revelation.
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