Religion explained? Debate regarding the concept of religion as a “natural phenomenon” in Daniel Dennett’s perspective
religion, Daniel Dennett, interdisciplinarity, evolution, new atheismAbstract
The Religion is a fascinating topic despite it has some hurdles. Although the study of its constitution, objective and relevance has been understood with effort for different research fields, most of its meaningful contributions do not get more than refuse each other. This research, which presents the main proposals of the United States philosopher Daniel Dennett about religion as natural phenomenon in contrast with the proposal of distinguished religion philosopher, has as a propose to point the less inhospitable lands, in the center of the debate in which it can be possible, making an interdisciplinary proposal, a less conflictive comprehension about religion that can allow those limits that sometimes are imposed to it in a conclusive way for the scientific convictions, biologists postulates, or even for the metaphysics speculations of some theologist forms.
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