Constitutional review in EU Member States in the light of the evolution of constitutional judiciary in Europe
constitutional courts, constitutional review, European integration, European Union lawAbstract
The article presents fundamental changes of judicial review in European countries. First of all, within the so-called the Kelsenian model of judicial review, in many countries, including Austria itself, numerous modifications were made regarding the scope of competences of constitutional courts, types and legal consequences of their rulings. In addition to classical judicial review, constitutional courts have obtained a number of other functions such as review of the goals and activities of political parties, resolution of constitutional disputes, adjudication on constitutional liability of politicians or verification of the validity of elections. Due to the growing significance of the constitutional complaint, constitutional courts have become a kind of national courts of human rights. Issues related to the temporal effects of judgments (including the effects of the so-called postponing the loss of validity of an unconstitutional provision) were developed. In France – the last bastion of continental Europe denying the subsequent judicial review – in 2008, a revolutionary change was introduced: the institution of the preliminary questions to the Constitutional Council.
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