Rules and regulations opening the legal system for the international law and the processes of integration in the Federal Republic of Germany
transfer of sovereign powers, Article 23 and 24 of Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, European clause, European Union, constitutional identity (Verfassungsidentitat), the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht)Abstract
The subject of a paper are regulations, which open the legal order for the international law and the processes of integration in the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Two names have the dominant position in the german literature: “European Article” (German: Europa-Artikel) and „integrated leverage” (German Integrationshebel). The sovereign rights of the Federal Republic of Germany, which are transferred by the regulations to international organizations and the European Union, are relatively different (in comparison to other EU countries) regulation. Profiles of Articles 23.1 and 24.1 of the Basic Law explain the essence of these regulations. Although in fact the regulations are similar, they concern different subjects – the addressees of hypotheses contained in the articles, which are mentioned above. The term „integrated leverage” is used rarely because article 24 – Intergationshebel – lost its meaning. The term Europa- Artikela pplies to the Federal Republic of Germany’s membership in the European Union (European Community). The Federal Republic of Germany co-created the European Union. The status of a E uropean Union Member State had a profound influence on the changes in the regulations of the Basic Law, including the “European Article”. Assuming that the integration Federal Republic of Germany with the EU is already very developed, the current regulation seems to be sufficient and relevant. There are critics of Article 23, who think that the regulation is useless and that it reaches too far. In the judgment of the Second Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court of 30 June 2009 – the Treaty of Lisbon’s case, the Federal Constitutional Court noticed that, as a result of reforms which were introduced in the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Union may be transform into an unified international organization and also these reforms may reinforce the position of national parliaments.
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