The German Basic Lawand the jurisprudence of the Federal Constitutional Courtagainst the European integration
The Federal Republic of Germany, the German Basic Law, the Federal Constitutional Court, European integration, Germany, the European Union, the principles of EU law, the provisions of integration, integration legal norms, materieimmutablethe, SolangeAbstract
The Constitution of Germany as one of the few in Europe directly link to European integration and FKC law is treated in the European arena as one of the most objective, competent and reliable. His sentences have a huge impact not only between Germany and European Union, but also the Member States and European Union. Very often, scholars of constitutional law and European law refers to the jurisprudence of FKC, as some of his sentences are simply regarded as a priority and have a real compelling solutions from the point of view of constitutional law and European law issues. In my paper Irefer directly to the rules and integration clauses in Germany’s constitution and focus on their interpretation and select the important from the point of view of the implementation of EU law unchangeable Materials contained in the Constitution, which very often are considered to be some brake on integration. Referring to the present case FKC position to protect human and civil rights in the EU and its role in this area, as well as conflicts arising from the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty and the Treaty of Lisbon. At the beginning of a shift the origins of the Basic Law itself, as the story of its creation and the form has a huge impact on its content and not the status of the law, but in the minds of German citizens.
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