Liability for damage associated with the modification and withdrawal from the contract of carriage under international conventions and Polish law
transport law, CMR convention, COTIF/CIM convention, Montreal Convention, disposal of goodsAbstract
The article presents the issue of liability for damage caused by the performance of the so-called right of disposal, which in broad terms includes the ability to amend the contract of carriage of goods and withdraw from it. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the regulations provided for in the uniform international conventions regulating road transport (CMR Convention), rail transport (CIM Convention) and air transport (Montreal Convention) and in Polish domestic law (Transport Law and Civil Code). On this basis, an assessment of the norms adopted in the respective acts and the choice of the optimal way to regulate particular issues are made. The author comes to the conclusion that each of the analysed acts contains regulations that deserve approval and stand out from others, but at the same time certain defects are evident in each of them. Taking into account the conclusions formulated, in the final part of the article author proposes possible directions for the development of Polish domestic law.
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