The Image of the Polish Population of Soviet Belarus through the Eyes of the Belarusian Polish Communists in the Mid-1920s
national politics, Poles, Soviet Belarus, Polburo, communistsAbstract
The article deals with implementing Bolshevik national policy among Poles in the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic in the mid-1920s. Its first part, based on archival documents, describes the creation and activities of the Polish Communist Bureau (Polburo) in Minsk, and lists the problems that this institution faced in the early years of its existence. The second part is a document preserved in the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus collection, created in early 1925 in the Polburo. Its content reflects the Polish Communists’ view of the Polish population in the BSSR, the state of work among Poles at the time and the main difficulties in carrying it out.
Źródła archiwalne
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