The phenomenon of longevity from the auto/biographic perspective
learning, informal learning, biographical learning, longevity, aging, auto/biographic perspectiveAbstract
The phenomenon of longevity is still a mystery for it both fascinates and causes concern. According to the Central Statistical Office, we live longer. However, in comparison to other studies on senescence and old age, there is scarcity of research on centenarians and nonagenarians. The notions of old age and longevity are not connected with learning. Generally, longevity is related to passivity. The author agrees that it is challenging; however, people prepare themselves for this period during their lifetime. Thus, the aim of the article is to discuss longevity as dependent on genes and lifestyle. The article aims to capture individual experiences of aging and achieving longevity by taking into consideration the context of biographical learning. The subject of the research is life story of a hundred-year-old woman living in a small local community, presented from the auto/biographic perspective. The article consists of two parts: the first is theoretical and methodological, the second is empirical where the analysis of life story of hundred-year-old woman is presented.References
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