Andragogy as an academic discipline
The purpose of this paper is to analyse and describe the scope of andragogy as an academic discipline in the early 21st century. The author begins by providing a definition of the term “andragogy” and outlines both the merits and drawbacks of its application in the theory of adult education. The author refers to findings from international conferences on adult education, identifies questions that should be addressed in theoretical analysis and empirical reshighlights the developmental trends in adult education. Reflecting on over two decades since the period mentioned, it is important to emphasize that the predictions regarding the growing significance of informal adult education, lifelong learning, and individual human engagement in these domains have indeed materialized. Meanwhile, andragogy serves as a framework for explaining and interpreting adult education, alongside contributions from other academic disciplines. This collaborative approach generates an interdisciplinary discourse on adult education
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- 2024-02-26 (2)
- 2024-02-26 (1)
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