(Adult) education in the perspective of emotional geography. Towards a transdisciplinary approach in andragogy research
emotional geography, affective turn, critical and political theories of emotionsAbstract
The aim of the article is to describe emotional geography, which is a research trend located at the intersection of human geography and contemporary studies on affect, which focuses on the relationship between emotions and the broadly understood environmental, socio-cultural, spatial, economic, and political context. For this purpose, I refer to theoretical analyses and research in the area of the so-called affective turn and to critical and political theories of emotions. I also present the relationship between education and emotional geography as well as examples of pedagogical research projects on the socio-cultural-spatial analyses of emotions and education. I also point out the methodological implications for pedagogical and andragogic research projects on the study of emotions in education, i.e. their transdisciplinary dimension. The presented way of conceptualizing the emotional geography of (in) education is a new look at the functioning of educational institutions and the practice of lifelong learning. It can be a source of empirical research projects for learning theorists and andragogues.
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