Tasks of an Operating Nurse in Patient Care during Robotic Procedures
care, integrated operating theatre, nurse, robot, teleoperationAbstract
Operating nursing is a unique field because it requires specific physical and mental characteristics from nursing staff. The specificity and difference of work between operational nursing staff and nursing staff employed in hospital wards differs significantly. Care for the operated on involved performing standard procedures but also providing individual care for the patient’s needs before and after surgery. The range of requirements is also expanded to include assisting and providing professional care for a patient operated on with the assistance of the da Vinci surgical robot. The aim of the study is to present the specifics of the work of an operating nurse during operations performed using surgical robots. To fully use robotic techniques, full cooperation between the operator and the instrumental team is necessary. The tasks are divided into preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative. Indication of the advantages of the modern da Vinci system and presentation of the operating theatre with modern organizational and epidemiological infrastructure were discussed on the example of robotic surgeries performed on patients with bladder cancer. (JNNN 2023;12(4):183–187)
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