Stress and Anxiety in Neurosurgical Patients before Surgery
anxiety, depression, neurosurgery, stress, surgeryAbstract
Introduction. Stress is an inevitable part of everyone’s life. It is the body’s response to unfamiliar and unpredictable situations that people often have to face. Hospitalisation and surgery are among the factors that contribute to stress and anxiety.
Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the severity of stress, anxiety and depression in neurosurgical patients before surgery and the factors affecting them.
Material and Methods. The study included 100 patients residing in the Department of Neurosurgery of the 10th Military Research Hospital with Polyclinic IP HCC in Bydgoszcz, who were qualified for surgery. The study was conducted using the author’s questionnaire, the PSS-10 scale, the anxiety and depression subscales of the HADS-M questionnaire.
Results. In the study group, the mean stress score was 6.07±1.31 points, anxiety 9.73±2.84 points and depression 4.76±3.15 points. An increase in stress levels resulted in an increase in anxiety and depression levels (p<0.001). Talking to hospital ward staff about the planned surgery reduced depression levels (p=0.045), but had no effect on levels of perceived stress and anxiety. Anxiety and depressive disorders increased with the age of the subjects.
Conclusions. Preoperative assessment of stress, anxiety and depression can help to identify patients with high levels of these disorders and take appropriate measures to reduce them. (JNNN 2023;12(2):55–62)
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