Femoral Nerve Injury during Neuroborreliosis — Nursing Care. Case Report
femoral nerve, neuroborreliosis, nursing careAbstract
Introduction. Neuroborreliosis is an insidious disease. It is often confused with other neurological diseases. Diagnosis is possible when the following are present: neurological symptoms indicative of neuroborreliosis, pleocytosis in CSF, and production of antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi in CSF.
Aim. To assess the health situation and determine the nursing needs of a patient with femoral nerve damage during neuroborreliosis.
Case Report. A 31-year-old woman was admitted to the Department of Neurology as an elective patient. On the basis of the clinical picture, elevated levels of protein and lymphocytic cells in the examination of cerebrospinal fluid and the demonstrated intrathecal synthesis of antibodies against Borrelia diagnosed neuroborreliosis with damage to the left femoral nerve. Observation, interview, and analysis of medical records were used to identify nursing problems correctly. The scales used were: the NRS Rating Scale (pain intensity), Lovett Scale (muscle strength assessment), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Questionnaire (a modified version of the HADS scale to assess anxiety and depression), AIS Scale (to assess insomnia), Baxter Scale (to monitor and assess the risk of complications associated with venous cannulation).
Conclusions. Dorothea Orem’s nursing theory is appropriate for a patient with neuroborreliosis. The patient’s main problems are: experiencing pain, difficulty in movement, and mental deterioration. The disease and related treatment and hospitalization influence bio-psycho-social deterioration. Holistic nursing management should be adapted to the patient’s changing condition. Care includes activities aimed at nullifying the effects of the disease, providing emotional support, and education regarding proper rehabilitation management and prevention of Lyme disease. (JNNN 2022;11(4):174–179)
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