Analysis of Sleep Disorder Occurrence among Anaesthesiology Nurses Employed in Operating Theatres and Intensive Therapy Wards – a Prospective, Comparative Study Design using the Athens Insomnia Scale
sleep disorder, nurse, shift work, operating theatre, intensive therapy, the Athens Insomnia ScaleAbstract
Introduction. Good quality of sleep and feeling well are important issues for health and employee productivity especially for people with highly demanding jobs. Nursing personnel have to confront with significant mental and physical challenges. Shift work can lead to many health problems including: anxiety, insomnia, obesity or high blood pressure.
Aim. The study examined the occurrence of sleep disorders among nursing personnel employed in operating theatres and intensive therapy units.
Material and Methods. The study was prospective, comparative and descriptive nature. The project was carried out between January 1th and April 31th 2019. The study covered 180 medical personnel employed in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Departments in five different hospitals. Data were collected on the basis of a standardised tool of the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) as well as an original interview questionnaire.
Results. The study showed that 65.6% (N = 118) of respondents experienced sleeping problems, manifested by frequent awakenings at night. For more than forty-five percent (45.6%; N = 82) of nurses, the time of their sleep is not sufficient, and more than 60% (N = 109) of respondents feel sleepiness. The in-depth analyses provide a statistically significant dependence between the quality of sleep and the use of sleeping drugs (Z = –1.95; p = 0.050).
Conclusions. A nursing personnel working in the intensive therapy and operating room theatre wards suffer from sleep disorders related to insomnia; the symptoms of insomnia in this professional group include awakening at night and sleepiness during the day; male nurses have a far better quality of sleep compared to females nurses. (JNNN 2022;11(3):105–113)
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