The Use of Direct Force to the Patient. The Legal Aspect
direct force, legal aspect, patient’s laws, nurseAbstract
The first chapter of this paper presents a series of law regulations which guarantee protecting patients’ personal belongings. Moreover, it itemizes instruments which allow pursuing these rights. The analysis of laws concerning mentally disordered patients’ rights aims at showing ways of protecting personal belongings and defining the legality of the medical staff’s actions. The legislator precisely presents the means and rules of commencing execution proceedings against patients. Each case of acting not accordingly to procedures exposes the medical staff to legal consequences. That is why it is crucial to obey legal regulations whenever commencing execution proceedings. Taking into account the current legislation, patients’ rights are secured very well. The only problem is the patients’ lack of knowledge about these rights. The ferore the regulation obliging medical staff to inform patients about their rights is vital. The laws and regulations alone are perceived by the majority of the society as incomprehensible and incoherent. Therefore, it seems the number of publications and information clearly explaining patients’ rights is too small. It seems appropriate to create publications which will reach the patient as brochures. It is the easiest way to make patients aware of their rights. (PNN 2012;1(2):83-85)
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