Emotional State of Sick Persons Treated Surgically Because of the Slipped Disk of the Spine
discopathy, operation treatment, depressionAbstract
Background. In the society of the contemporary civilization spine disorders belong to the most frequent causes of the physical incapacity, resulting in gigantic economic as well as individual consequences.
Aim. An evaluation of an emotional state of suffering patients treated surgically because of the slipped disk at the lumbar - cross and cervical spine was a purpose of the work.
Material and methods. They conducted research in the Branch of Neurosurgery and Neurotraumatology of the University Hospital No. 2 in Bydgoszcz among 188 patients – 98 women and 90 men. In the examination a Scale of the Depression of Beck was exploited.
Results. Determining an emotional state, the majority of the examined was in a group I – 52.7% of persons in evaluation 1., 75% of persons in evaluation 2. and 51.1% of respondents in evaluation 3. Considering the clinical diagnosis, in case of the slipped disk L-S distinct but low correlation: r = 0.2360 (p < 0.05). Similarly in the C slipped disk, noticeable but low correlation: r = 0.1793 (p < 0.05).
1.Results show the phenomenon of appearing of depressive disorders at suffering patients cured neurosurgically on a large scale because of the slipped disk of the spine.
2.The large degree of depressive disorders is determining worse functioning examined after 6 months from the undergone treatment. (PNN 2012;1(3):103-108)
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