Problems of Families of Children with the Down’s Syndrome
Down’s syndrome, parent’s problems, genetic defectsAbstract
Background. A Down’s syndrome is an illness being marked by a failure to thrive. Its genetic defects are being characterized by a presence of the additional, extra chromosome in 21 for steam. It leads to mental and physical handicap.
Aim. Visualising problems of families of children with the Down’s syndrome is a purpose of the work.
Materials and methods. 50 families of children took part in the examination with the Down’s syndrome. The research tool was conducted with the use of their own questionnaire.
Results. Conducted examinations showed that families of children from the moment of the appearance of the ill child were having great difficulty with a Down’s syndrome. The child with the Down’s syndrome is difficult is to accept – 20% respondents so far did not accustom themselves to the existing situation. The child with the Down’s syndrome can in the different way influence family relationships – he/she can tighten them and bring closer (recognised with 28% parents) or just the opposite – move the family away from oneself and drive to the edge (this happened in case of 52% respondents). The child care with the Down’s syndrome was not included in simple classes. It is dependent of course from the level of the knowledge of parents about the Down’s syndrome and best, if they realize it still before the birth of a child. Then they can as much as possible take steps causing correct care, treatment, rehabilitation, therapy and of all other – developmental stimulation of the ill child. For children with the Down’s syndrome (because the passing time is of special importance) – if appropriately early such a child will take control of certain activities, later it will be harder for him/her to make up for these deficiencies or it will be impossible. 40% of the examined stated that their knowledge about illness of their child was very good and systematically deepened. 36% respondents assessed their knowledge well, whereas 20% showed that it was mediocre. 4% respondents only assessed their knowledge on the theme badly.
Conclusions. A Down’s syndrome is an illness, with which it is possible to live normally and function. A lot depends on parents of ill children who must learn being strong and loving, supporting and understanding for their kids. Parents who are able to establish better contact with the Down’s syndrome with the child cause that their solaces can live normally. (PNN 2012;1(4):156-163)
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