Effect of Selected Factors on the Quality of Life of People with Epilepsy
quality of life, epilepsyAbstract
Background. Epilepsy isa heterogeneous, chronic diseasethat affectsthe functioning of thepatientsintheir daily lives. The evaluation of quality of lifeshouldbea regular part oftheir treatment,as due to that one canplanlong-term strategyof support for peopleliving withepilepsy.
Aim. The aim ofthis study was toassess the impact ofselected factors on thequalityof life of peoplewith epilepsy.
Material and methods. The research was carried outbya diagnostic surveyon a group of100 peoplewith epilepsywho arepatients at clinics orhospitals.Toachieve the objectives, we have chosen a surveyof our own authorship, containinggeneral questionsandthe WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire.
Results. Statistical analysisshowed nostatisticallysignificant differences(p>0.05) between sex andselected areas ofquality of life.An interaction was demonstrated (p<0.05) between marital statusandeducationof respondentsandselected areas ofquality of life.
Conclusions. Almost half ofthe respondentsindicatedthattheir quality of lifeis satisfactory. Genderis not afactor differentiating thequalityof life of peoplewith epilepsy.Marital statusandeducation ofthe respondentshas a significant impacton their quality oflife. (PNN 2013;2(3):117-124)
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