Knowledge of Nurses on How to Deal with Patients after Craniocerebral Trauma
craniocerebral trauma, knowledge of nursesAbstract
Background. The rapid developmentof moderntechnological civilizationleadsto an increase inboththe incidence ofinjuryand severityas well. Craniocerebral injuriesare not onlycommon cause ofdeath, but there are also a cause ofsevere and irreversibledisability, both physicalas well asmental.
Aim. The aim ofthe study was toverifynurses' knowledgeabout themanagement of patientsaftercraniocerebral trauma.
Material and methods. The study is basedon an analysis ofresponsestoa questionnairecompleted by120nurses workinginthe Central Regional Hospitalin Plockon the wards: neurotraumatology, intensivemedical therapyand neurology.
Results. Proved to be statistically significant is the relationship between duration of employment (p=0.002), branch of where the nurses are employed (p=0.000), participation in training (p=0.018) and education (p=0.007) and the knowledge of nurses. There is no statistical correlation between age and knowledge of nurses surveyed (p=0.32).
Conclusions. The general level ofknowledgeof the nurses surveyedin the field oftreatment ofpatientsaftercraniocerebral traumain the vast majorityisat a high level. The greatestknowledgewas presented by nursesworking inneurotraumatological ward. The highestknowledgepresented the nurses withgraduateeducation, following secondarysuccessionandthenBA. Self-directed learningandupdatingthenurses with studiedsignificantly affects thehigher level ofknowledge ofcraniocerebral trauma. (PNN 2013;2(4):165-171)
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