Use of Psychoactive Substances and Health Consequences After Withdrawal in the Adolescence Group
youth, psychoactive substances, problems of healthAbstract
Introduction. The use of psychoactive substances is an important factor of higher risk of health complications and deficits in social functioning of children and adolescents. It is a problem regarding not only particular individuals or families but it also constitutes, in further perspective, a serious social-economic problem.
Aim. The aim of this study was to assess the type and frequency of using psychoactive substances as well as psychics and somatic consequences after withdrawal from psychoactive substances use in high school students groups.
Material and Methods. The research was carried out in the group of 100 students from a secondary school in Toruń (61 female students, aged 18,2±0,4 and 39 male students aged 18,1±0,3). Our own questionnaire was applied and the questions included referred to socio-demographic variables, to the use psycho-active substances and the symptoms after withdrawal from them, as well as the CAGE scale for the purpose of assessing the risk of addiction to alcohol and marijuana (the modified version of the scale).
Results. It has been observed that the psychoactive substances most frequently used in groups of students (female and male) included: alcohol drinks (88% vs. 79%), caffeine (75% vs. 61%), nicotine (almost 51% vs. 36%), marijuana (39% vs. 43%), hashish (almost 10% vs. 5%), “boosters” (8% vs. 10%), amphetamine (3% vs. 13%) and others. The suicidal inclinations were observed in 4,9% of female students. Probably 5% of female and from 5 to 7% of male students experienced the psychotic symptoms (hallucinations and delusions) after withdrawing from the use of psychoactive substances.
Conclusions. The legal psychoactive substance most frequently used was ethyl alcohol (risk of addiction in groups: 37% of female and 23% male students) whereas the illegal substance was marihuana (risk of addiction was proved in groups: 18% of female and 35% of male students). The most important complications following the withdrawal from the use of psychoactive substances included suicidal behavior and psychotic symptoms (hallucinations and the feeling of being observed) correlated with amphetamine use. (JNNN 2014;3(3):100–106)
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