Impact of Handicapped Child Care for Family Functioning
family functioning, coping, reactive strategy of behaviourAbstract
Introduction. The birth of a child with a handicap is always the quality and cohesion test of family relationships. As reported in Matějček, the birth of a child with a handicap may ruin the family, or bind vice versa. Family cohesion is under the influence of this situation always threatened and especially when a child with a handicap comes to the family during the transition between different developmental phases.
Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the preference for the use of coping strategies and their differences between mothers and fathers in the care of a child with a disability.
Material and Methods. Research was conducted on a sample of fathers and mothers who care to provide their disabled child. To collect empirical data was used — COPE — coping questionnaire that identifies reactive strategies aimed at the problem.
Results. Data analysis revealed that fathers cope with the burden of caring for a disabled child used more strategies aimed at the problem. For mothers prevails more emotion focused on social support, positive reinterpretation, acceptance and expression of emotions, behavioural and mental disengagement from the problem.
Conclusions. Determination of risk factors is the first step of family assessment. Evaluation methods for identifying risk factors in the family provide immediate possibility of setting needs and focus on the appropriate intervention family support program. (JNNN 2015;4(4):158–161)
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