Knowledge of Medical Staff on Medical Segregation of Patients Having Suffered in Mass Accidents and Disasters
medical segregationAbstract
Introduction. Ever growing pace of life in developing societies results in a considerable increase in abrupt threats to life and health. Both Accidents and Emergency Unit workers to whom a patient is referred having been ascribed a provisional category as well as members of Medical Rescue Teams who are the first medical staff to have contact with a patient ought to apply a correct procedural variant in their interactions with patients.
Aim. The aim of the research was an attempt to evaluate medical personnel’s knowledge levels within the scope of segregating patients having suffered in mass accidents and disasters.
Material and Methods. The diagnostic poll method was used in this work and a survey form was the research tool. The research involved 50 persons employed in Accident and Emergency Units and Medical Rescue Teams.
Results. A general proportion of correct responses averaged out at 63% for both groups. No statistic correlation was found between the two groups.
Conclusions. Knowledge level referring to medical segregation that medical staff presented proved unsatisfactory. The study shows there is a need for training within the scope of medical segregation in mass accidents and disasters. (JNNN 2016;5(1):16–20)
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