Care Issues of the Patient after a Stroke — Case Report
ischemic stroke, care problemsAbstract
Introduction. With the advancement of civilization, the number of cerebral strokes in creases, which is a challenge for modern medicine. Reduction of patients’, capacity is reflected in all aspects of a patient’s life. The condition after stroke requires assistance in basic daily activities (washing, dressing, eating, moving, etc.). Family must accept the fact of existing limitations and the need to acquire the knowledge and skills required to cope with a patient immobilized after a stroke. The aim of the study is to identify selected deficits and problems of patients after stroke.
Case Report. The case study refers to a 82-year old patient with a stroke. The patient’s condition is defined as average, requiring hospitalization and constant monitoring. The work presents selected problems observed in a patient after a stroke. The patient presented is only a work description of the case of a theoretical patient.
Discussion. Condition after stroke is a significant burden for the patients and their families. Problems concern the biological, mental and social spheres. Assistance to the patient and their family should commence when the patient is admitted to hospital and after a stroke has been diagnosed. The patient’s care problems after stroke constitute significant limitations in functioning and in returning to previous conditions. Researchers largely analyze the quality of life in all aforementioned dimensions.
Conclusions. Nursing care issues include physical, mental as well as social aspect. The patient in her current state of health requires 24-hour care and full compensation for basic daily activities. Once the patient has been discharged home, she will require further treatment and personalized and comprehensive care. (JNNN 2017;6(1):28–32)
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