Assessment of Neurogeriatric Patients by Means of the NOSGER
the NOSGER, neurogeriatric patient, patient assessmentAbstract
Introduction. One of the fundamental objectives of care of elderly patients is the detection of risk factors that impair their abilities to continue their independent lives. Thus, preventive and therapeutic measures are of considerable significance as they could prevent an increase in disabilities and seniors’ dependence on others.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess patients in neurological wards by means of the Nurses’ Observation Scale for Geriatric Patients (NOSGER).
Material and Methods. The study sample comprised 113 elderly patients treated in neurological wards in hospitals in Lublin. The research material was collected applying the NOSGER.
Results. Having assessed the patients with the NOSGER, the results for the entire group averaged out at 54.43±18.96 points. The surveyed patients functioned best in the domain of disturbing behaviour (8.12±2.92 points). They were assessed slightly worse in terms of memory (8.38±4.39 points), activities of daily living (ADL) (8.55±3.56 points) and mood (8.80±3.21 points). The greatest deficits were reported in social behaviour (10.17±4.54 points) as well as instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) (10.42±4.61 points).
Conclusions. The researched group of elderly inpatients treated at neurology wards was characterised by a relatively good level of performance. The elderly presented the greatest deficits in the domain of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) as well as social behaviour. Their age and marital status significantly affected biopsychosocial activity of the surveyed group of patients. (JNNN 2017;6(1):20–25)
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