The Level of Public’s Practical Skills in Provision of First Aid to Patients with Major Epileptic Seizure
epilepsy, epileptic seizure, first aidAbstract
Introduction. Despite the significant progress in medicine, epilepsy is still a severe medical and social problem. It is the most common primary chronic neurological disease; it is of various aetiology, course and treatment, affecting people of all genders, age, race or social status.
Aim. The article aims at verification of basic public’s knowledge about the disease of epilepsy and identification of the extent of capabilities of general and professional public in helping a patient with a major epileptic seizure.
Material and Methods. Quantitative study using questionnaire and experiment. The study included a total of 200 respondents from general (GP) and professional non-medical public (CW).
Results. 39% of GP respondents and 54% of CW respondents were capable of providing first aid. The most frequent mistake was forcing an object into the mouth in 17% of GP and 10% of CW. In the GP group, the level of skills significantly depends on respondents’ gender (p = 0.028), age (p = 0.012) and education (p = 0.003). Attainment of first aid course does not play a role in the level of knowledge and skills. In the CW group, significant results were found between evaluation of first aid provision and the age of respondents (p = 0.032) and provision of first aid and the category of health care workers (p = 0.014).
Conclusions. Respondents’ basic knowledge and practical skills show signs of insufficiency. First aid courses need to be repeated regularly. (JNNN 2019;8(2):54–61)
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