Quality of Life and its Predictors Among Neurosurgical Patients — Systematic Review of Research
neurology disease, patients, predictors, quality of lifeAbstract
Quality of life is an important aspect in the fields of medicine and health sciences. It is presented as a complex concept. Therefore, it is presented in various ways. Its interpretation and definition depends mainly on the discipline and area of study. Very often, the quality of life is also defined in the context of the well-being that a person experiences during his life. It depends on the state of health. It can take into account a wide variety of problems, because neurological diseases bring about such unwanted effects as pain, the need for medical and rehabilitation stays, social isolation, and one of the worst consequences, i.e. shortening life expectancy. Therefore, it is important to conduct research on the quality of life among neurological patients. The results obtained from the conducted and continued research on large groups of patients could constitute a specific compendium of knowledge about the situation of patients, their needs and the perceived quality of life. Therefore, the aim of this study is to present research on the assessment of quality of life and its predictors among neurological patients. (JNNN 2020;9(3):114–118)
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