Cognitive Disorders in People over 65 in Home Environment
cognitive disorders, elderly, home environmentAbstract
Introduction. Cognitive disorders are a serious problem in the elderly that lead to the loss of functional ability and thus dependence on others.
Aim. The aim of the article is to asses the cognitive disorders in people over 65 in home environment and show a correlation between age, sex, education, multiple morbidities, functional disability, and cognitive disorders.
Material and Methods. The research was carried out using diagnostic survey and direct observation. Also, the following research tools were used: Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS), Barthel Scale, Lawton Scale and own survey questionnaire. The research was carried out on 329 women and 175 men, aged 66–94.
Results. 74.80% of the surveyed were found to have normal cognitive ability. Mild cognitive disability was found in 20.24% of the respondents, and severe — in 4.96%. It has been concluded that women with low level of education, more morbidities, and sight and hearing impairment had worse cognitive ability (p < 0.001). Moreover, it has been concluded that cognitive ability of the surveyed was worsening with age in a significant way (p < 0.001).
Conclusions. Cognitive disorders affected 25.20% of people over 65 in home environment. Furthermore, relevant factors that influenced the incidence of cognitive disorders in the elderly over 65 years old in home environment were: female sex, elderly age, low level of education and multiple morbidities. Moreover, cognitive disorders occurring in people over 65 in the home environment significantly contributed to the deterioration of their functional efficiency. (JNNN 2021;10(2):65–70)
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