Self-care Efficiency of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (SM) and the Quality of Nursing Care
multiple sclerosis, quality of nursing care, wydolność samoobsługowa pacjentaAbstract
Background. It can be observed that in the studies on the quality of medical services provided for patients with limited ability of self-care, the mere biological principles of health assessment are more and more often abandoned and the holistic point of view is adopted, focusing on patient's emotional experience, his/her state of mind and functional ability to cope with daily living.
Aim. Analysis of chosen determinants of the deficiency of the quality of care provided for hospitalised patients with multiple sclerosis (SM).
Material and methods. The study covered 70 patients with multiple sclerosis (SM), aged 22 - 64. The Repty functional index was used to asses the self-care efficiency of the examined patients. The BOHIPSZO method was used for assessment of the quality of nursing services.
Results. The conducted research study revealed that the quality assurance system implemented at the examined hospital ward guarantees a high level of provided nursing services. The nursing indicator was 84.24. Nevertheless, in many aspects, the quality of nursing care differed significantly from the recommended standards and patients' expectations.
Conclusions. The results of the conducted research study allow us to conclude that with regard to the nursing services provided for the patients with multiple sclerosis: 1) The functioning of the technical side of services is good - the patients have guaranteed safety and the procedure of protecting patients from infections operates efficiently thanks to the implementation of a quality assurance system. 2) Procedures of medical treatment and nursing care are performed at a high level, yet their quality decreases along with the deterioration of functional ability of the subjects. 3) Lack of the nursing process documentation, especially in regards to the group of younger patients, is a technical shortcoming. 4) It is disturbing that the patients' assessment of the obtained educational support and practised self-care abilities is poor; and such opinion was common especially among self-care efficient patients who struggle with stress related to diagnosed untreatable disease. 5) There are some critical defects of objectification of patients. 6) There are some concerns regarding the inadequate scope of information given to the patient and his/her family, concerning the treatment and nursing processes. These faults occur more frequently in patients who have no problems with self-care and in patients who require nurse's help and assistance in everyday life activities. (PNN 2013;2(1):9-17)
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