Impact of the Brain Tumor Location on Functional Capacity of the of Patient
patient, brain tumor, physical functioningAbstract
Introduction. The vast majority of lesions of the nervous system are located intra cranially. Their location in each brain structure results in the appearance of different deficits affecting the functional capacity of patients, and ultimately their quality of life.
Aim. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of tumor location on the functional capacity of patients with such tumors in the preoperative and postoperative periods.
Material and Methods. Material includes 236 patients hospitalized in the Department of Neurosurgery 10th Military Hospital with Policlinic IP HCC Bydgoszcz. The research was approved by the Bioethics Committee at Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz (KB 222/2011). The analysis included 5 subgroups of patients taking into account the location of intracranial lesions in these patients. There were defined: a group of patients with tumors located in the temporal lobe (1), frontal lobe (2), parietal lobe (3), cerebral chamber (4), and cerebral lesions (5). The functional capacity was assessed by the KPS Scale (Karnofsky’s Performance Scale) (three times: on the day of admission to the Clinic, on the 5th and 30th day after the surgery) and by the GOS Scale (Glasgow’s Outcome Scale) (twice: on the 5th and 30th day following the surgery).
Results. On the fifth day of the postoperative period, a statistically significant decrease in the functional capacity was observed in patients with tumors located in the cerebral, the extra cranial tumors, in the frontal and temporal lobes (p<0.05). In the postoperative period, significant increase in functioning was observed in patients with ventricular tumors cerebral and extra cranial (p<0.05). The final outcome of the treatment was improved on the 30th day in patients with extra cranial tumors (p<0.05).
Conclusions. In the early postoperative period the functional capacity of most patients decreases, and the lowest functional capacity decline is observed in patients with parietal lobe tumors. 30 days after the surgery, the functionality of the patients increases, particularly with tumors located in the cerebral cortex as well as with extra cranial tumors. (JNNN 2017;6(2):66–72)
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