Functional Capacity of Geriatric Patients after Stroke According to the NOSGER Scale. Prospective Studies
ADL-Katz scale, functional assessment, geriatric patient, Index Barthel, NOSGER scale, strokeAbstract
Introduction. In Poland and in other European countries, we are witnessing an increase in the number of elderly (geriatric) people. The psychophysical assessment of the patient and the identification of deficits in his functioning in everyday life are of particular importance. The fitness of the elderly depends on their aging process, lifestyle, environmental, social and psychological factors as well as existing diseases — including neurological ones.
Aim. The aim of the study was to perform a functional assessment of geriatric patients after stroke using the NOSGER scale.
Material and Methods. The study group consisted of 117 geriatric patients after a stroke, hospitalized in the Department of Geriatrics, CM in Bydgoszcz. The NOSGER scale, the ADL-Katz scale and the Barthel scale were used for functional assessment.
Results. The conducted psychophysical assessment of geriatric patients using the NOSGER scale showed that the respondents function the worst in the area of social behaviour — S (M = 15.2) and the instrumental activity of daily living — IADL (M = 14.2). They function best in the area of destructive, disruptive and asocial behaviours — Z (M = 8.1) and in the area of activities of daily living — ADL (M = 9.2). The respondents best cope with activities such as: proper dressing when leaving the house (75.2% of respondents), performing hygienic activities (combing, shaving, make-up) (59.0% of respondents) or keeping order (58.1% of respondents). They are worse at such activities as: control of stool (30.8% of respondents) and urine control (31.6% of respondents). Statistical analysis showed no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) between the groups as assessed by the NOSGER, ADL-Katz and BI scales. A strong correlation was demonstrated between the assessment of the respondents using the ADL-Katz and Barthel scales (r= –.7128 and r = –.7285), and the NOSGER scale and the area — ADL_NOSGER (r = –.8109 and r = –.8215).
Conclusions. Geriatric patients after stroke, as assessed by the NOSGER scale, show moderate disability in the functional area. In most cases, the respondents cope well with such activities as: proper dressing when leaving the house, performing hygienic activities (combing, shaving, make-up) or taking care of order. Conformity was demonstrated in the functional assessment using the ADL_NOSGER, ADL-Katz and Barthel scales. The ADL-Katz scale and the Barthel scale similarly measure the activities of daily living of geriatric patients. (JNNN 2021;10(2):51–57)
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